April 04, 2010


We chopped our own christmas tree this year. It was a long journey to our BACK YARD. I know, call us crazy! We needed it out anyway and figured the size was just right. Well, the weather indicated the time was right to remove the stump. Notice Jara giving instructions to her dad with her Tinkerbell purse in one hand. She never let go of that purse when helping dig it out. the top picture was actually taken by Jara. She has become our little photographer. She never misses a chance to capture what Dallin is doing. It has gotten a little scary as one day she was taking picutres with the iPhone when I was getting dressed one morning. As a side note, you can't hear a click when those pictures are taken so needless to say I was surprised to see some of the "artistic" pictures on my iPhone. They were quickly deleted. :)

1 comment:

Strupp Family said...

Yay!! I didn't even know you had a blog! So, thanks for commenting so I could find you. I always wonder how everyone's doing and what they're up to. You have the cutest kids ever, by the way! So, if you've really been frequenting my blog, you've probably noticed I've become a less active blogger :) I'll try harder because I know how much I love to read everyone else's.
PS I've always looked up to YOU. :)